ماكينه غسيل وتجفيف الارضيات دفع خلفي ruby 50 e
Scrubbing Width
500 mm
Solution Tank
40/45 Lit
1750 m2/hr
Version with one single brush and 48,5 cm cleaning path. It is possible to adjust the brush inclination in order to help the semiautomatic
traction. The single brush system is equipped with the device of the brush coupling/uncoupling release without manual intervention and it is
particularly suitable for small areas such as hospitals, schools, where a frequent sanitization of the brush is essential. It is furthermore indicated
for those areas which are obstacle-free and where the presence of the electric cable does not represent difficulties during the cleaning operation.
ruby models result to be extremely silenced thanks to the patented
housing system of the suction motor.
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